Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement shall govern and apply to anyone accessing or using

the websites located at WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM our

mobile application(s), our blog(s), and any other website(s) (hereafter the

“Site”) owned and/or operated by VIAMOR CLOTHING  (hereafter "we,"

"us" or "our"). We respect your right to privacy. This policy summarizes what

personally identifiable information we may collect, and how we might use this

information. This policy also describes other important topics relating to your



WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM only will collect personally

identifiable information (such as name, title, company name, address,

telephone number, or e-mail address) that you voluntarily provide through our

website or e-mail correspondence. Our host web server tracks and collects

general information about the visits to our Site. While IP addresses (the

Internet address of a computer) are logged to track a user's session, the user

remains anonymous. We analyze this data for certain trends and statistics,

such as which parts of our site users are visiting, how long they spend there,

the visitors' domain names and what states or countries those requests come

from. We do not link your IP addresses to anything personally identifiable to

you. We will collect general information (such as the type of browser you use

and the files you request) to improve our Website and better meet your

needs. We also requests and collect personal information from our

customers at various site locations and instances, including, but not limited to,

when you make a purchase, communicate with us via social media, write a

product review, participate in events, contests, or promotions, contact our

customer care team, or post other customer-generated content to this Site.

These are currently the primary ways in which we gather information,

however, we may also collect data through other channels in the future. The

types of personal information we may collect from you can vary according to

the method through which it was attained.


We receive and store any information you knowingly provide to us, such as:

Full name Email address Phone number Shipping Address Billing information

and payment details (such as billing address, credit card details, and other

sensitive financial information, specifically for the purpose of completing your


A record of your “WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM” orders,

purchase history, and shopping behavior and preferences Information

provided by you through your interactions with us in social media locations and

geographic information that could be collected if you use our mobile site or

app. Other details that you may submit to us or that may be included in the

information provided to us by third parties.


WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM offers various products and

services to our Customers and also strives to meet the needs of our

Customers. We use your Personal Information for internal purposes such as

tracking your order, analyzing your preferences, and noting trends and

statistics. To do this effectively, we need to collect certain Personal



All Personal Information we collect from you requires your consent, for

example, opening an account, purchase and delivery of products, special

offers, etc. We may request your consent from time to time to take part in

improved product performance or for marketing purposes that we think will be

useful to you. However, unless you are informed otherwise, the Personal

Information we hold is for establishing and managing our business and

customer relationship with you. Sensitive information is subject to greater

restrictions and governed by law. By communicating with

WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM including by email and by

completing online forms, you are giving your consent to the collection of what

Personal Information you provide.


 Depending on the product you have acquired, it may be necessary to keep a

record of the transaction for business purposes or to enable us to respond to

your concerns. We may hold Personal Information for the following

purposes :Internal accounting and administration ;To supply you with

information about your account including regular statements; To respond to

inquiries; Enhancing customer service, product options and to improve

product performance; Promotions, competition entry forms, redemption

vouchers, and special offers where you voluntarily supplied your personal

details; To administer sales records; To provide information about us, our

products, services and special offers; and To analyze our website

usage. Occasionally we require organizations outside

WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM to provide a service for

purposes, which are necessary for us to conduct our business, functions and

activities (for example advertising names of competition winners and

delivering products). We take all steps to ensure these organizations both

inside and outside of the United Arab Emirates deal with Personal Information

according to this Policy.


You may have contact with us personally, by telephone, mail, over the

Internet or other electronic medium. We take all reasonable steps to keep

your Personal Information secure in a combination of secure computer

storage, hard copy files and other records. We take steps to protect the

personal information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorized access,

modification or disclosure.


WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM does not share the personal

information of its users with any unaffiliated third parties for their promotional

purposes. However, we use a third-party payment processor and a third-party

shipping agent to ensure the payment and delivery of your purchased

products. We may use other third parties for other services from time to time.

These third parties have no authority to use your personal information for

their own promotional purposes. These third parties will only have limited

access to your personal information in order to help complete transactions.

WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM utilizes some of the most

advanced technology available today for Internet security purposes. When

you access our checkout using industry standard technology, your information

is protected with both server authentication and data encryption, ensuring that

your data is safe, secure, and available only to

WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM uses industry standard BESTpractices to protect your Personal Information, WE



REMAIN SECURE. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee, and you

should not expect, that your Personal Information or private communications

will always remain private. Notwithstanding this, as a matter of policy, we

NEVER sell or rent any Personal Information about you to any third party. In

the event there is a breach of security, or we are made aware that your

personal information could be jeopardized, we will take all necessary

measures to communicate these issues to you so that you can take steps to

protect yourself.


WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM considers the individual

information, we maintain to be confidential, our policy is to disclose no

personal information to third parties (except as described above) unless

release is required by law or is pertinent to judicial or government

investigations or proceedings. We reserve the right to disclose personal

information to our service providers, the government, law enforcement

agencies, or other third parties under certain circumstances where a formal

request has been made (such as in responding to a court order, subpoena, or

judicial proceeding) as WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM, in our

sole and absolute discretion, deems necessary and appropriate. Moreover, in

the event of a sale, merger, or transfer of some or all of

WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM assets, or dissolution or

bankruptcy, your personal information may be transferred to an unaffiliated

third party as part of or apart from other transferred assets or assets. Any

transfer will then be governed by and be the responsibility of any purchaser of

or successor to the transferred assets or assets. We shall notify you by a

notice on the home page of any change in the information practices

governing your personal information as a result of any transfer of assets or

any asset change in ownership, and your choices in how your information is



You have the right to access the Personal Information you have provided to

us. If you require details of your Personal Information held by us, we will need

to verify your identity before meeting your request, which we will process in a

reasonable time. If you find that the information we hold about you is

inaccurate or out of date then we will promptly correct it upon receipt of the

changes from you. 


Our Site may contain links to other sites. We do not endorse or otherwise

accept responsibility for the content or privacy policies of those sites.

However, we encourage you to read the privacy policies of each website you

visit prior to disclosing your personal information.


Any personal information or image content you voluntarily disclose online in a

manner that other users can view (including, but not limited to: product

reviews, comments, posts on social media pages, etc.) becomes publicly

available, and can be read, collected, and used by other members of this Site

to send you unsolicited messages. Your membership name, email, or other

information may also be displayed when you post comments or upload

images throughout the Site. WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM is

not responsible for the personal information users select to disclose in these



Our Site is intended for users who are 13 years of age and older. If you are

under the age of 13, you are not permitted to submit any personal information

to our Site. Our Site is not directed at children under 13 and does not

knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13. We will

promptly delete any personal information from a person under the age of 13

should we discover that we have collected such information from a person

under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent.


By using this Site, you consent to the collection and use of information by

WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM from the Site as indicated

above. WWW.VIAMORINDIA.COM reserves the right to

modify this privacy policy at any time. We will promptly reflect any such

modifications in these Web pages.


We welcome your questions, comments, and concerns about this Privacy

Policy and Site. You can reach us at: